Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday day 2 Task 2

Can't say too much this eve as I'm not feeling too well and need to get some good rest.  Couldn't ask for better racing conditions....  A 119 kilometer triangle with goal back here in Chelan at the main landing field in a beautiful grassy park along the banks of the Columbia river.  Lots of happy pilots in goal, and it seems that we've already had better flying weather in 2 days here in Chelan, than any of the 2010 world cups have had.....  AND the forecast looks great so looks like more to come....

I flew well today but lost some ground with my walking pneumonia.....  I figure it's time to just stop talking, as I think talking irritates the throat and causes the cough, which really takes it out of me.  I'm afraid it's just asking too much to fight a bug and wrestle with a competition paraglider at 12,000 feet, while trying to keep up with the lead gaggle as well....

I guess we'll see how things go tomorrow....  Sue and I just had a really nice dinner at a winery which overlooks lake Chelan and it was very good....


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