Day two was a blast with difficult conditions followed by racing under the convergence. I just KILLED the start and was the highest glider in the sky and then I proceeded to somehow become one of the lowest gliders in the air watching a giant gaggle of at least 100 gliders all going on glide together towards the next turnpoint while I was left to cross some really unfriendly looking terrain much lower than Ii would have liked. Got WAY behind at that point, and by the time I got established again the lead gaggle were just specks on the horizon. OK, time to just make my way to goal and get what ever points I can..... Enjoy the beautiful flight and work on my thermaling techniques. As I pushed on, things started to turn on for me and I found myself catching more and more gliders. I flew a good line and got a great climb to the base of the first forming cloud I'd seen since I've been here and then headed out on glide back towards the launch area and the El Pinon. As I was settling into my glide I looked down and a couple of thousand feet below me I see Brad, our current top US pilot, struggling way down low with the lead gaggle! A few other gliders below me and to my left, and Jeff, another US pilot pushing out in front of me but lower. GAME ON! The leaders had all slowed way down prior to the last turnpoint when I was making good time and I had caught up.....
more to follow... Sue is going to fly today before the start window and todays race so we are heading out early this morning....
Pics are of Sue flying from La Torre and of day one race day....
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